"Thats the worst thing, I dont really care if people say I'm a bad actor, I can like work on that, but if they just say that he's ugly thats just like "oh.. really?"
"I am now determined to do really weird parts but I think I overdo it in auditions so nobody really trusts me! "
"Sometimes I think, 'To hell with acting,' and then I realize I could be working at a shoe shop, acting is much cooler."
"Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'! Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel. "
"As Dan was doing school at the time I was just sitting by myself for ages and at the time I wanted to be taken really serious as an actor so I used to just sit around just drinking coffee all day and trying to look really intense"
" Technically I am driving, but l don't actually know how to drive. "
"I hope im not that close to my character, I hate him, I used to hate everbody like Cedric in my school"
"I'm just a big, hard tool."
"I'm really afraid of getting hit by cars, like terrified of it. I'm terrified of crossing streets. I'm also very accident-prone...I think people aim for me." (Där hade han rätt, *tänker på taxi-incidenten*)
"I was just taking out my trash and I had, like, 300 cans of Diet Coke. It was just like, 'How did that happen?' I don't even remember buying them. I also like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My addictions are pretty much the only things I consume."
"I spent a long time trying to figure out how to play [Edward's part] without making a fool out of myself. The whole book is written from Bella's perspective and she's in love with him. I mean, the guy can be anybody - he could be an alien - and you see past everything if you're in love with someone."
"If I go and try to watch a movie by myself I'll be completely transfixed the whole time, concentrating one hundred percent. But if I'm with another person on a date or something, within two minutes I'll be like 'This is rubbish, this is rubbish. We should leave and do something else.' I don't really know why."
"I've got a terrible memory-I end up repeating myself quite a lot. The only thing I can remember is that I'm going to repeat myself!"
"It sounds lame, but I was really concentrating on this job. It was my first American thing so I was pretty focused. I went to Portland for two months before we starting shooting, and I just didn't talk to anybody for ages during the beginning of the shoot. I never went out, but I kind of broke down half way through. I was like, 'Okay, people are starting to think that I'm actually out of my mind now.'"
[Performing Stunts during Twilight]"The scariest one was when I run and I put my hand out to stop this car which is racing towards me. I had practiced it a bunch of times but the car is coming at 30 miles per hour. And I was sick on the day of shooting. I had taken antibiotics and I was really dozy and the car went off its tracks. So there I am, holding Kristen Stewart's stunt double and my timing was off because I wasn't feeling too good and the car hit me in the face.
[Performing Stunts during Twilight]"The scariest one was when I run and I put my hand out to stop this car which is racing towards me. I had practiced it a bunch of times but the car is coming at 30 miles per hour. And I was sick on the day of shooting. I had taken antibiotics and I was really dozy and the car went off its tracks. So there I am, holding Kristen Stewart's stunt double and my timing was off because I wasn't feeling too good and the car hit me in the face."
"I go through [fan mail] myself. But I think I might get them censored, because I'm always expecting to get the one thing that says, ‘I know where you live and I'm going to kill you!'" he says.
"I just think people require things of me whenever there's a screaming crowd, and I always think I won't be able to provide what they want, so that's why I look scared all the time."
And he admits to reading it [gossip], which is the really weird part. He reads the gossip blogs and the Twilight fan fiction ("It's surprisingly hard-core. And very well written")
The only way to establish any kind of mystique," he says, "is to completely shut up and never talk to anyone. And I'm contractually obligated not to shut up.
[On the obsession of Fame] "Well, I think we've actually all gone a little bit mad," he said. "It's everywhere, not just here. I suppose I should understand it better by this point, but I really don't.
"I'm always really worried about ruining their lives. Especially with people that aren't famous. It's such a massive change. I'm kind of a paranoid wreck. I've eaten a lot of roo

[On the Twilight Hysteria] "It's a weird experience," he concedes, "and you do tend to start getting a little bit paranoid about stuff. Looking around when you're walking down the street, in case you get mobbed by teenage girls!"
"You can never be known for what you want to be known for," he notes. "People will know you for whatever they want to know you for."
[Harry Potter Fame] But you know you're gonna be a heart-throb! "I don't know. Maybe. I don't know. I'm quite immature so that's quite good, so I prefer to be a heart-throb!."
"I was in a Blockbuster on the day it was being released. I had forgotten it was being released that day. There were two families who had come with eight- or nine-year old-daughters to get their DVD. They were standing in the line crying and I stood watching what all this commotion was about. They didn't know I was there or anything. I was just thinking "Wow, you're crying about a DVD." It's fascinating."
"[On Fan Encounters] In a lot of ways they are all quite similar. The funny thing is that I'm always going around trying to look as inconspicuous as possible I find that people are always really disappointed when they actually recognize me. They are like ‘"Oh! At first I thought you were a bum but then I realized who you were.""
"It's quite stressful in a way, but it's only when you're by yourself. When I have my friends around it doesn't make any difference. I just spend a lot of time by myself, and I used to walk around the block by myself in various different cities, and I don't know, you start to feel a bit vulnerable, I guess. [Laughs] Well, not vulnerable, I don't know ... for paranoid people it does allow your imagination to run rampant, so it's a little strange. You end up going out a lot less [laughs]. But I guess it's so early now I'm really still thinking about it in terms of getting good jobs and stuff, so I haven't really had a chance to be objective about my life, because every single day there's something new happening in my life. In my eyes, everything just seems ridiculous, like every single day it's like you're walking on the street, and then suddenly you step on something and it just starts moving really, really fast, and you're not entirely sure what direction it's going in, but you can feel the force of it. That's about it."
"I don't walk in the street anymore, and when I do, I'm in disguise. (laughs) It's actually a relief being back at work."
"I don't see people," he tells GQ. "I don't even have people's phone numbers. I almost don't want to have a girlfriend, in this environment."
"I remember when I was a teenager thinking my girlfriend was cheating on me, and going around riling myself up. Pretending to cry. It was totally illegitimate-I actually didn't feel anything. I went to some pub and then went crying all the way home. And I got into my dog's bed. I was crying and holding on to the dog. I woke up in the morning, and the dog was looking at me like, ‘You're a fake.'"
