Massa SPOILER!! Under bilden kommer det massa info om New Moon inspelningen! Så för dig som inte vill veta ska helst inte läsa detta! Ni bestämmer helt själva hur ni vill göra!

**In all the “vision” sequences Edward is wearing the
same outfit he does when he said “goodbye” to Bella because that is the last
memory she holds of him.
- Vid varje vision som Bella har så har Edward på sig samma outfit
eftersom att det är det han hade på sig när han sa adjö och det är det sista
minnet Bella har av Edward.
**As a sign that Bella is commited to Edward her clothes are
linked to his color wise. After he leaves she doesn’t pay much attention to her
Som ett tecken på att Bella är "bunden" till Edward så är hennes
kläder länkade till Edwards färg (på kläder). Efter att han lämnar henne så bryr
Bella sig inte om detta eller om utseendet.
The New Moon Illustrated
Companion not only has over 95 pictures but provides some interesting facts
about the movie including some spoilers.
If you want to read ahead
there is more after the break or just look away now and pretend you didn’t see
this post….just scroll up to the top and look at Emily, Jared and Embry and
those muffins….mmmmm yumm….the muffins I mean!
**While filming the breakup
scene in the forest Rob and Kristen were being swarmed by
**When Melissa Rosenberg wrote the Twilight screenplay
she “tried to keep the fan base out of (her) head, but (she) couldn’t avoid it
by the time of New Moon.”
**She gave the men in Port Angeles
motorcycles to make it a more “significant moment” and because motorcycles will
become “an important part of her relationship with Jacob”.
began working out immediatly after he was done filming Twilight because he knew
of the transformation his character would go through. He was able to show the
producer’s that he was visual able to represent the changed
**In all the “vision” sequences Edward is wearing the same
outfit he does when he said “goodbye” to Bella because that is the last memory
she holds of him.
**Even the cameras used and their movements are
done to show the relationship between the characters.
scouted many locations for the Cullen house, but found one that “was comparable
enough with the house in Portland.”
**The Cullen house used for
Twilight was “a very specific house, and the only way out of that puzzle for us
was to put portions of the story of New Moon in other parts of the
**The sequence for the birthday partyl “Edward relates the
history of the Volturi to Bella, she becomes wounded in the hand, and Edward
faces off against Jasper.”
**Rob quote: “The birthday scene at the
Cullen house is like the ideal birthday party. The house is beautifully
decorated and everyone is happy. Edward is looking at Bella and thinking that
she can become part of his family and his life–that maybe this can work out the
way he wants it to.”
**They used the Blue Ray DVD of Twilight to
help them with the age, color, texture and features of Bella’s house and
**They used the Twilight Illustrated Companion for help
finding Bella’s truck.
One special challenge for the
production team was how to convey Bella’s depression once Edward departs. In the
books..the month pages do it. (October, November, December, January) In the film
the passage of time is represented with visual effects. Bella sits in her chair
in the bedroom and a camera circles around here while the seasons change outside
her window.
**Another shot manipulation, instead of Bella running
to her truck and driving home after seeing the wolves in the meadow, she runs
out of the woods and tells Charlie immediatly that she saw them. Changes made to
make the scene more efficient.
**The dreamcatcher stirs up emotions
in all the major characters: Jacob says it will catch bad dreams. Edward is
irritated that his rival gave Bella an intimate gift, and Charlie regrets that
it stops working.
**Film Editor Peter Lambert edited a portion of
the film during his daily commute. This may be the first major motion picture in
which the bigest protion of the first assembly of the film was edited in the
backseat of a car.
**As a sign that Bella is commited to Edward her
clothes are linked to his color wise. After he leaves she doesn’t pay much
attention to her appearance.
**They wanted Jacob’s house to be
“like a stepping stone into the forest world”. So it’s further from the heart of
the reservation.
**Emily and Sam’s house is deeper in the forest,
more seperate from regular life.
**art director Cathrerine Ircha
helped make sure the prodcutions maintained “fan friendly continutiy”. She kept
an eye on fan sites and blogs .
**when they are rebuilding the
bikes there is a montage of scenes.
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