4 juni 2009

Fler auditions till Eclipse!!

Här är ytterligare 3 roller som söker skådespelare! Väldigt spännande och se vilka det blir!

Maria-”Maria found Jasper during the Southern vampire wars. At this point, Jasper was a major in the Confederate Army, and Maria was looking for humans that she could turn to vampires to create a newborn army, using the idea pioneered by Benito. After turning Jasper, she found that he was extremely useful to her, because he was able to control the emotions of the vampires around him, and make them work together. In Eclipse, Maria is described as a tiny brunette with a soft and musical voice that has a tendency to be sharp. She was able to control her thirst, though she still preyed humans’ blood. ”

Bree-”Bree was created by Victoria as part of her newborn vampire army to avenge James’ death. She never saw Victoria, as her “assistant”, Riley, was the one who told the newborns what to do. Bree was described as beautiful and slender with short dark hair to her chin and glowing blood red eyes. She was also very young, around the age of 15 and the height was around 5′1″ and 5′3″. When she screams Bree has a high, shrill voice.

Royce King–”Royce King II was a human who lived during the time of the Great Depression. He was engaged to Rosalie Hale for a short period of time before being killed by her. He is perceived as being quite out-spoken but is liked by Rosalie because of her vanity.”

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